![Grieve Not the Holy Spirit (S738)](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/10497521/from-the-heart-of-spurgeon_APPLE_3_300x300.jpg)
Friday Jan 13, 2023
Grieve Not the Holy Spirit (S738)
Friday Jan 13, 2023
Friday Jan 13, 2023
There can be few more fearful prospects for a Christian or a church than that of grieving the Holy Spirit. I wonder how many of us ever contemplate this, searching our own hearts and lives, considering the life of the church, and asking whether or not we are guilty of such a sin? Spurgeon reminds us of this horrible possibility, explaining how and why it may come about. He also explores some of the ugly consequences of grieving the third Person of the Godhead, the damage it does in the life of the church and her members. Finally, he urges a personal argument why the saints should not grieve the Holy Spirit. Of course, the preacher’s aim is not merely to bring us down, still less to keep us down. Rather, the desire is to diagnose and to prescribe, to make us aware of the dangers so that we might either avoid them or address them. While some may be prone to assume that they have grieved the Holy Ghost in some way, too quick to jump to this conclusion, it seems likely today that the opposite problem more prevails—that of failing to consider whether or not one of the reasons for the weakness of the church is that we have distressed the Spirit of God. Here the question is put, here a solution is proposed.
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![The Dawn of Revival; or, Prayer Speedily Answered (S734)](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/10497521/from-the-heart-of-spurgeon_APPLE_3_300x300.jpg)
Friday Jan 06, 2023
The Dawn of Revival; or, Prayer Speedily Answered (S734)
Friday Jan 06, 2023
Friday Jan 06, 2023
Do you expect a blessing when you pray? Do you expect that blessing to come rapidly? It may be that many of us are in the state of waiting for prayer to be answered, of having long prayed and not yet seen the answer to our prayers. While there is nothing unusual in such delays, this sermon encourages us to consider the state of our hearts in seeking a blessing from God, that “if the whole church…shall be brought to set its face, to be conscious of the deep need of sinners, to confess its own sin, to be mindful of God’s mercy, and to be vehemently, passionately in earnest for a blessing,” we can anticipate the command of mercy, based on the happy relationship between a believer and his God. Furthermore, the preacher urges us to consider the kinds of blessings for which we ought to pray—spiritual delights and heavenly realities bound up with everlasting life. Most Christians grieve over their praying; few would claim to be eminent in the work. Many are, perhaps, accustomed to asking little and expecting slow and slim answers. Here is a sermon to lift up our eyes and hearts, to lift up our petitions, to the throne of grace in anticipation of the blessings we truly need.
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![A Message from God to His Church and People (S725)](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/10497521/from-the-heart-of-spurgeon_APPLE_3_300x300.jpg)
Friday Dec 30, 2022
A Message from God to His Church and People (S725)
Friday Dec 30, 2022
Friday Dec 30, 2022
A sermon Spurgeon preached toward the end of one year seems appropriate at any time. He draws on Habakkuk’s declaration of his fear of God and petition for a blessing from the Lord of heaven, that he would in wrath remember mercy. Gripped by divine truth, impressed by recent tragedy, and moved by the Holy Spirit, Spurgeon gives us a straight-down-the-line three-pointer, identifying the alarming voice, outlining an appropriate prayer, and pressing home a potent argument. He seems to have a perpetual appetite for more of God’s grace and glory, and to be able to communicate that appetite in a refreshing and telling way. Perhaps Spurgeon’s urgent exhortations wearied some, but they do our souls good as he insists that we must follow his lead in pleading with God for his blessing on the place where we live and serve.
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![Pray for Jesus (S717)](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/10497521/from-the-heart-of-spurgeon_APPLE_3_300x300.jpg)
Friday Dec 23, 2022
Pray for Jesus (S717)
Friday Dec 23, 2022
Friday Dec 23, 2022
This striking sermon seems to arise from questions raised out of the pulpit, about the propriety of “praying for King Jesus.” Working from Psalm 72:15, Spurgeon wants to show us that not only is it proper to pray for Christ, but that it expands, establishes, enriches, and enlivens our praying. As he works through his topic, the preacher helps us to see how putting Christ at the heart of our prayerful desires prevents selfishness and narrow-mindedness, lifts our petitions and our expectations, and offers particular encouragements in prayer. If your prayers, individually or congregationally, too often feel narrow and shallow, crass and constrained, earthy and heavy, then this sermon will be a blessing to your soul.
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![The Church Aroused (S716)](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/10497521/from-the-heart-of-spurgeon_APPLE_3_300x300.jpg)
Friday Dec 16, 2022
The Church Aroused (S716)
Friday Dec 16, 2022
Friday Dec 16, 2022
Though it does not lack gentleness, this is not a sermon to please the dull and sullen Christian, and there are too many such. People who are happy sleeping in a warm and comfortable bed are not often appreciative of the blast of the trumpet and the call to arms. Spurgeon is concerned at his own sleepiness, and the sleepiness of others. He does a masterful job of portraying the nature and the cause of Christian drowsiness, spending the bulk of the sermon on this point. The he turns to the call and the promise of Christ to the sleeper, to awake, and to receive the light of Christ. As so often, this is not a comfortable sermon, especially to believers. You might easily resent it, evade it, dismiss it, but we ought instead to humble ourselves under it, not excuse ourselves from it, but hear it and heed it.
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![Fields White For Harvest (S706)](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/10497521/from-the-heart-of-spurgeon_APPLE_3_300x300.jpg)
Friday Dec 09, 2022
Fields White For Harvest (S706)
Friday Dec 09, 2022
Friday Dec 09, 2022
Spurgeon often addresses the kind of Christian despondency that breeds a shameful passivity. He opens this sermon with a lengthy introduction bemoaning the low expectations of God’s people—people who yearn for a lively past and have vague hopes for a brighter future, but have given up all present hopes: “Not here, not now, not us!” This is the attitude that calls inaction, patience, and labels unbelief as realism. To counteract this ugly spirit, Spurgeon presses upon us the signs of harvest (and yes, we might long for more of those in our day!); he points out the wants or needs of harvest, the way in which we should engage in a day when there is work to be done; he warns us of the fears of harvest, reminding all his hearers, both converted and otherwise, that time passes and the work undone might be left undone forever. I can imagine the same despondent Christians today saying that Spurgeon’s circumstances allow him to hope in a way that we cannot; in fact, though we may face particular challenges, the very scope of the work ought to rouse our spirits for labour.
![God’s Cure for Man’s Weakness (S697)](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/10497521/from-the-heart-of-spurgeon_APPLE_3_300x300.jpg)
Friday Dec 02, 2022
God’s Cure for Man’s Weakness (S697)
Friday Dec 02, 2022
Friday Dec 02, 2022
This is the kind of sermon that makes us ask, “If Spurgeon thought that he needed to preach this in his own day, what might he have said to us?!” He addresses those “who are beginning to imagine that weakness is the normal and proper state of a Christian; that to be unbelieving, desponding, nervous, timid, cowardly, inactive, heartless, is at worst a very excusable thing.” In Spurgeon’s understanding, this is a fearful and dangerous conclusion to reach. In response, he identifies some of the spiritual cures that faith in God’s Christ has worked in the experience of the church through the ages. Not satisfied with that, he then analyses faith to determine what are the divinely-appointed ingredients in this medicine. He urges us to go the Spirit of God to obtain the medicine, and praises the Physician who can make us strong out of our very weakness. There is no spiritual strength without the faith which God gives. If Spurgeon felt the church’s need in his own day, then we would do well to heed his counsels in our own.
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![Lively Reading - The Voice of the Cholera (S705)](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/10497521/from-the-heart-of-spurgeon_APPLE_3_300x300.jpg)
Thursday Dec 01, 2022
Lively Reading - The Voice of the Cholera (S705)
Thursday Dec 01, 2022
Thursday Dec 01, 2022
In 1866, cholera spread rapidly through London, claiming over five thousand lives. Into our own time, bedevilled with debates about Covid-19 and other such diseases—their causes and their cures—, Spurgeon speaks with a voice of spiritual sanity and reason. Here we find a remarkable blend of heavenly-mindedness and earthly sense, a readiness to acknowledge God’s hand in the spread of sickness, an awareness of divine justice and wisdom, an honesty about the potential causes and purposes of such afflictions. In all the often-silly arguments about diseases and vaccines, conspiracies and cures, have we missed the voice of the virus, speaking clearly and penetratingly to mortal men? Spurgeon lifts us above so much of the pettiness and foolishness of the current conversation and focuses our attention on eternity, and the God before whom we must soon stand.
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![Joy and Peace in Believing (S692)](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/10497521/from-the-heart-of-spurgeon_APPLE_3_300x300.jpg)
Friday Nov 25, 2022
Joy and Peace in Believing (S692)
Friday Nov 25, 2022
Friday Nov 25, 2022
Joy and peace! Who would not wish to know joy and peace? Spurgeon wants us to know them, but he wants us to know them truly, building upon the right foundation and enjoying the things themselves, and not some cheap and shoddy counterfeits. Therefore he exposes some common errors with regard to joy and peace before going on to deal with the root of true spiritual joy and lasting peace through believing in Jesus Christ for salvation. And so we need to know what that believing means, and what it involves, and to understand that joy and peace always come through believing and are never really found by any other means. With a beautiful simplicity and gospel clarity, Spurgeon shows a pastoral precision in ensuring that the right things are put in the right spiritual sequence and connection. Joy and peace seem in short supply in today’s world. If we want them for ourselves, and if we want others to know them, here we have the guidance we need.
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![Heedlessness in Religion (S685)](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/10497521/from-the-heart-of-spurgeon_APPLE_3_300x300.jpg)
Friday Nov 18, 2022
Heedlessness in Religion (S685)
Friday Nov 18, 2022
Friday Nov 18, 2022
Do you really care about knowing and doing the will of the Lord? It is easy to be zealous in a few things which fall more naturally into our way of thinking, as Jehu did. But that same Jehu “took no heed to walk in the law of the Lord God of Israel with all his heart.” Spurgeon is concerned that many Christian professors fall into the same trap, and so—in this sobering sermon—he urges us to ensure that we are committed to knowing and doing all the law of the Lord with all our hearts. To do otherwise reveals a sickliness at best, a fatal absence of true religion at worst. We must heed all that God has spoken, and make sure that our hearts are right with him. Perhaps some today would dismiss Spurgeon’s employment of Jehu as a negative model as mere moralising. In fact, the preacher shows us how to use such examples to stir and stimulate our souls to watchfulness and self-examination.
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